About Dr. P. Sanjay

Dr. Acharya P Sanjay

Dr. Archaya P. Sanjay M. Sc. LLB., a lawyer and journalist has great admiration for astronomy, astrology, numerology, Lal kitab and Mantras. He has a scientific back ground and he did a lot of research on these subjects. Providing Astro-Palm consultation to people's problems has become the sole aim and object of his life. His predictions are based on several dasas such as Vimshottari, Dwisaptatisama, Dwadashottari and Chaturshitisama Dasa etc, Jamini Char Dasa, Kota Chakra, sun and ascendant. Yogini and Navanmsha dasa are additional methods to predict. This is rare way to predict in India. His numerous predictions published in the national and regional dailies have received great appreciations.
Hundreds of foreigners are taking appropriate advice from him. Delhi and Vrindaban are the working place in India. As in Vrindaban Radha Mohan Munger 'temple is one Astrological centre in India. This is true that 'Astrological guidance changes your destiny. Jyotisha is based on the laws of nature which bind the cosmos together. These laws express the unity within the diversity of life and the underlying intelligence which governs with great precision.

Web: www.astrovision.in

Active Predictions

On popular Demand Dr. Acharya P Sanjay, analyse various aspects of Grahas and Movements of stars and after full research write some blogs based of the outcome, these are published here ...

Recent Sessions

Recent Astrological Session at various location in India
with clients of high repute and streture also from other part of the world

With Hemant Soren

Hon'ble Chief Minister of Jharkhand Sri Hemant Soren after a astrological session in his office at Ranchi.


Ms Brinda Karat

Famous Leader and Ex. CPI(M) President Ms. Brinda Karat after a meeting.


Foreign Client

Foreign Client session at Vrindaban, Uttar Pradesh.


Foreign Client

Foreign Client session at Vrindaban, Uttar Pradesh.


Foreign Client

Foreign Client session at Vrindaban, Uttar Pradesh.


Foreign Client

Foreign Client session at Vrindaban, Uttar Pradesh.


Foreign Client

Foreign Client session at Vrindaban, Uttar Pradesh.


Foreign Client

Foreign Client session at Vrindaban, Uttar Pradesh.


Astrology Methods

Dr. Acharya P Sanjay works on follwing astrological methods and depending upon requirement, client willingness, performs analysis work and suggest future course of action and remedial steps to conquer.


Method of forecasting through observation and interpretation of Sun, Moon & Star

Gemini Method

Jaimini Astrology techniques revolve around what you truly are, what you truly want to be.

Lal Kitab

remedies is simple remedies for various planetary afflictions in the horoscope or birth chart

Kota Chakra

Kota Chakra is fundamentally a diagram depicting transit routes of planets by 28 Nakshatras


Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing


Vastu shastra a traditional Indian system of architecture

Have a question or need astrological help ?

Any one having question, looking for astrological help, willing to have appointment to discuss stars, job, love, health, family issues please whatsapp on +91-943-123-6211 08:00 am to 08:00 pm (IST).